Thursday, June 23, 2011

questions to support development

Hi again - and I am developing a list of good questions to support development to share with clients as a part of their GE Feedback reports - could you please take a look at this list and add/delete/change questions?  I want to have a lot of options to pull from as I prepare individual reports...and , hopefully these are useful to all of us anyway as good coaching questions - thanks!

Questions we can ask ourselves to support the 3-4 transition:
·         How did that situation impact my view of myself?
·         How else might I look at this?
·         Where are my “shoulds” coming from?
·         Whose approval am I seeking here?  Do I need positive feedback from others to confirm my assessment of myself?
·         How am I taking that situation personally? Is there another way to understand it?
·         How do I know what the next right thing to do is?
·         How do my current roles define me? How do they limit me? Who am I beyond my roles?
·         When I am  torn between two courses of action, how do I decide?
·         What aspects of my view of the world am I comfortable questioning?  What questions make me uncomfortable?
·         How do I know in my body?  What do I do with that body knowledge?

Questions we can ask ourselves to support the 4-5 transition:
·         How else might I look at this?
·         What values am I holding tightly here?  Is there another possible set of values or approaches to consider?
·         How might I be wrong? Or what are all the ways I might be wrong?
·         Is there a way that this good thing has a downside (or this bad thing has an upside)
·         What meaning am I making from this?  What could other possible meanings be?
·         How do I connect with the wisdom of my body on a regular basis?  How are my mind and body integrated?
·         Can I imagine a way in which my current image or view or understanding of myself is like a a snakeskin to be shed?
·         What are the limits of my meaning making system?  How does the way I think constrain me?
·         How can I seek very different ways of looking at this situation? Who else might have an entirely different perspective on this to offer me?

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